I saw Him.

This morning, l saw my neighbor in front of my house. He was cutting grasses which have grown in his fence. This neighbor is also one of my relatives. Then we had a quick chitchat. It is been a while since we last talked, so it was very nice to chat with him again. He usually goes to a nearby town to work on weekdays but today is his day off, that's why he is at his home.

The Concert.

Yesterday, my mother, my husband and l went to a nearby public hall to watch a concert. Last week, one of my aunts gave us his concert tickets but at first l didn't know so much about him and his songs. l known he is a soul singer in Japan. After then, we listened to his concert.It was quite nice. I instantly became a fan. l would like to watch his concert again if he would visit my town.

My Neighbors.

One of my female neighbors is very old.She might be over 90 years old but she still can eat by herself and talk to her family every day.She sometimes goes to a nearby nurcing house or their stuff visit her house to take care of her.I can hear her and the stuff talking fun to each other.